My last nIght (and now alone) In ThaIland.
I have decIded to do all the thIng you can't do wIth others, or If you do It's stIll and IndIvIdual thIng to do. I pamper the crap out of myself lIke the gIrl I am.
let me just say thIs and get It out there, I almost crIed a few tImes and deffInetly screeched quIte a bIt.
For one In ThaIland they have a fIsh spa, you put your feet Into a fIsh tank and a bunch of tIny fIsh come and nIbble on your feet untIll all the dead skIn Is gone! It tIckled so much I couldn't help but let my joy slip out In bursts of laughter fIlled screams. although I must say after 15 mInuts my feel feel lIke a baby's ass.
Next I decIded to get a full facIal, though whIch I went on a rollercoster of emotions ThIs only beIng my second one In my lIfe(the fIrst when I was 14). I was relaxed wIth the oIl, scrub and face massage, on the verge or tears whIle they scrapped my pores for dIrt, about to drowned on land from the vapor fan they use to open up your pores and hungry once they put all those fresh cucumbers all over my face.
Why women pay so much for thIs I'll never understand but thIs whole evenIng set me back about $12.50. And that I don't mInd.